


VĂ­deos Redes Sociais

Criar videos com efeitos de acordo com os objetivos das campanhas.

Video Promocional

O que Ă© um vĂ­deo para redes sociais?

There are many kinds of business video, and they all have the same thing in common; they make your organization visible! The more imagery and video content attached to your business and brand, the more serious and legitimate they will appear to be.


Para que serve o VĂ­deo Redes Sociais

There are many kinds of business video, and they all have the same thing in common; they make your organization visible! The more imagery and video content attached to your business and brand, the more serious and legitimate they will appear to be.


The Benefits of Business Video

The benefits to the implementation of videos into your marketing strategies are many. Here are just a few!

Conversion. There is no better way to sell. The percentage of people buying a product or using a service as a direct response to a video is sky high, much greater than any other form of advertising.

Return. Once they are made, they last forever. It may seem like a big outlay, but consider this; how many sales pitches could you make in the time it takes to produce and distribute a video? In the time it takes to pitch to one company, your video could have spread to thousands of consumers, all over the world! The return on this type of investment is proven to be excellent.

Search Engines. Videos are engaging, so will keep users on your site for longer. If consumers are spending more time on your site, search engines will recognise this as meaning that it contains quality content, and will push your ranking up!

What are the steps in making business videos?

  • Script Writing
  • Character & Style Sheet (If it’s animated)
  • Storyboard Development
  • Voice Over Recording
  • Animation / Live Action Production
  • List Title #3
  • List Title #3
  • List Title #3

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Rita Carvalho


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